
Skate 3 pc specs
Skate 3 pc specs

Just about every challenge in the game can be played online. Thankfully the team mechanic pays dividends online more so than off. Sadly Skate 3's team dynamics don't extend much further than simply giving you a few buddies building your score for you. It's a bit of a shame that unique team activities (something separate from the usual challenge types) weren't crafted to really leverage the fact that you have friendly skateboarders with you for the first time in the series. Sometimes you'll have to pull off the longest jump, others are as simple as attaining the highest score as a team. My favorites are the team contests that pit your squad against another in multiple rounds of skateboarding, each with a different rule set. Thankfully Black Box (the developers) included plenty of challenges to go around, so there are enough team activities to keep most happy. Most of the time you're completing challenges like Own The Spot (or Lot), Deathraces, Hall of Meat (you can now turn Hall of Meat mode on which assigns a score to every bail you make), and other solo affairs. Of course, these teammates only come into play about half of the time (though it depends how you want to play). What's even cooler, if a friend on your friends list has created a skateboarder in Skate 3, you can use their character model on your team. You can customize your mates just as easily as your own skateboarder with merchandise, different decks, wheels and everything else you can think of.

skate 3 pc specs

Once you attain a high enough level of street cred with the masses (tracked through a sales chart of sorts), you'll get your first teammate. To get them to join up, you'll need to get notoriety. The point of Skate 3's career mode is to build a new skateboard brand from scratch and your pals eventually sign on to help you out (though the actual story ultimately carries little weight). Skate 3 tries to give players a sense of camaraderie with both AI and real human players that can join up on your skating team.

Skate 3 pc specs