
Razzle hanoi rocks 1984
Razzle hanoi rocks 1984

razzle hanoi rocks 1984

razzle hanoi rocks 1984

Take, for example, their 1982 tour, during which they were arrested at Edmonton International Airport for wearing their spiked stage wardrobe through customs, which was considered "dangerous weapons". No, these boys had brains to match their brawn. And they looked the part, too - like monsters from outer space, with their spiky hair and studded leather, they were a sight to behold. In the early days, Motley Crue was more than just a band - they were a gang, a fearsome and ferocious pack of rock 'n' roll outcasts who were determined to take the world by storm. They were the real deal, and they were here to stay. And stand out they did, with their killer songs and their eye-catching visuals, proving that they were more than just attention-seeking scenesters. They understood that in order to make it in the cutthroat world of rock 'n' roll, they needed to have a look that would grab the attention of the audience, that would make them stand out from the rest of the bands. With pentagrams, fire, and cinematic makeup, they looked like they had stepped straight out of a demonic fever dream.


No, it was their visual style - a horror movie aesthetic that was equal parts terrifying and alluring. And it wasn't just their music that set them apart. But amidst the sea of spandex and hairspray, there was one band that stood out like a blood-stained thumb - Motley Crue. The early '80s were a time of excess and indulgence, a time when the Sunset Strip was awash with aspiring rock stars, all vying for their chance in the spotlight. And that's when he found them - the rest of Motley Crue. And so, he struck out on his own, determined to find a gang of like-minded musicians who shared his vision for the future of rock 'n' roll. He formed London, a band that seemed to be on the cusp of greatness, but he soon grew dissatisfied with their musical direction. Nikki was kicked out, left to wander the streets once more. And then it happened - he joined Sister, a band that seemed to have everything going for it. He knew that he was destined for something greater, something that would shake the very foundations of the music industry. He auditioned for countless bands, each one promising him the world, but always falling short. He spent years toiling away at menial jobs, all the while dreaming of the rock 'n' roll life. He knew that he was destined for greatness, but success didn't come easy. Born Frank Carlton Serafino Feranna Jr., he left behind the drab, rain-soaked streets of Seattle and headed south to the land of eternal sunshine and shattered dreams - Los Angeles. Nikki Sixx was a man on a mission - a mission to rock the world to its very core.

Razzle hanoi rocks 1984